Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My week in movies

We had bed weather every day last week that it was impossible to go out except to go to work and earn my rent. Instead I curled up in bed and watched movies, and what wonderful movies they are, too!

“Hitchcock.” Anthony Hopkins as the master of suspense is spot-on. The “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” bit is a delightfully quirky touch. I would have loved to see more of Scarlet Johansson, though, if only because she is just so handsome.

“Belle de Jour.” Catherine Deneuve is the most glamorous whore in the world. What I wouldn’t give to walk the streets of Paris in those outfits. And that hair!

“Anna Karenina.” “Anna Karenina’s” strongest suit is its beautiful and imaginative design. Joe Wright set the story onstage where the characters lived in full view of everyone and according to a script—a poetic and truthful portrayal of Russia in Tolstoy’s time. It is also, however, its weakest suit. The movie is at times too stylish and the actors’ portrayals too affected that the story’s heart is diluted.

“Bill Cunningham New York.” Bill Cunningham’s New York is most of all fashionable. It is almost too fashionable, truth be told, but nonetheless human and poignant.

“Marnie.” Marnie’s duplicity is charming more than it is disturbing. Tippi Hedren’s angel-like fragility is enchanting that I found myself rooting for the pathological liar and thief. No wonder the dashing Sean Connery falls madly in love with her. Throw in the elegant setting- the crystals and the gilded furniture in the Rutland mansion, the sleek hunting costumes of the aristocrats- and I couldn’t tear my eyes off the screen.

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” is the movie that I have seen the most number of times. My fixation on it is due to its marvelous frippery, yes, but only partly. Since I first saw it and for years now, every time I would feel down, I pop my DVD in. I empathize with Holly Golightly’s mean reds, you see. This afternoon, however, I empathized not with her sadness but with her happy ending. I feel like I’m ready to get a cat and even give it a name.

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