Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine weekend

If we are lucky, this is how we will remember Valentine's Day this year.

My thoughtful and kind Cholo surprised me with a new calligraphy pen and nibs.

My walk down this path in UP was lonely and despondent until the two elderly men walking behind me began conversing in French. How beautifully musical the French language is! How soothing its cadence and how elegant the sound!

The night was chilly when we finally sat down to dinner but we loved the cold and so we lingered.

This morning before Cholo picked me up for brunch, he brought me flowers, the ones I like. 

And then there was brunch with portobello mushrooms in tomato sauce and mozzarella and crab cake benedict and glasses of champagne.

And heavenly pizza and glasses of mimosa.

 There was the comforting quiet of a Sunday morning.

And french toast with peaches.

And more glasses of Bellini and mimosa.

But most of all, there was him-- and that, I learned this weekend, is all that matters.


Unknown said...

you two are adorable, Ms! :) and that french toast with peaches looks soooo good!

Clarise Sarmenta said...

Hihihi thank you, Sammy! :) <3 And yes, the french toast was delicious! :) <3