Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The adventures of Asterix

Before the new year began, I revisited a childhood favorite, dear old Asterix. Yesterday we watched the 2011 film adaptation "Asterix and Obelix: In the Service of the Majesty" and this morning I read "The Mansions of the Gods." The invincible Gauls are as funny and witty as I remembered. I proudly observed to Cholo that even as a young girl my sensibilities were already beautifully cultivated because even then it was the humor of the French that I found most delightful. I was madly in love with Tintin, too, after all, and the Belgian speak French, don't they? But then he brought up my piles of Archie comics and even more numerous piles of Sweet Valley pocketbooks, and I had to abruptly end the conversation.

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